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ISD 834 School Board Study Session Meeting ~ Nov 14, 2023


A substitute teacher pay rate increase was passed after a board member recused himself from the vote to avoid a conflict of interest because his wife works as a substitute in the district.

Proposals to change the academic calendar and school start times have been developed in relation to concerns about student achievement and the mental health of students and staff. The school year would start a week earlier, providing more time for staff professional development and allowing breaks after each quarter that correlate

with holidays. Elementary start times would flip with secondary start times, allowing high school students to start later in the morning. A decision on the academic calendar will take place January 2024. For more information on these proposals and to access a community feedback form visit:

A closed session followed to develop or consider offers or counter offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property.

A link for the video is here. A link for the agenda and minutes is here.

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