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Stillwater (District 834) School Board Study Session -June 13, 2023


The following items were covered in the Stillwater School District Study Session on June 13, 2023:

  • Funding for annual renewal of the PowerSchool Suite for the 2023-2024 school year was approved. This is the student data information system/student data management system and contains all data for the district. Work is being done to have all data systems talk to each other. Time stamp: 2:24

  • The annual Q-comp report was presented. Q-comp stands for Quality Compensation. It is an alternative teacher/professional pay system used to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers. Components include: Career ladder opportunities, Job-embedded professional development, Teacher development evaluation plan and Performance pay. Time stamp: 10:20.

  • The Long-Term Facilities Maintenance (LTFM) 10-year plan for District 834 was presented, including approximately $10 million in funding for repair and replacement projects in summer 2024. To learn more about the Minnesota Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Program click here. Time stamp: 38:14

  • Fiscal Year 24 Preliminary Budget Update preliminary budget and influencing factors. June 27 preliminary budget presented to board for approval. Board went into closed session for two items: 1) Engage in discussions with legal counsel regarding pending litigation in the matter of Metropolitan Transportation Network vs. ISD 834 2) To develop or consider an offer to purchase or sell real property. Time stamp: 42:28.

Here are links to the video and agenda with documents.

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