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District 834 School Board Business Meeting on March 19, 2024

During public comments several parents spoke about the budget proposal to stop bussing for Gifted and Talented Education program students in the southern area of the district. There was discussion also about an option to use a transportation hub from which students could be bussed to school. Parents compared the GATE program to the Spanish immersion program whose students receive busing. They described the Spanish immersion program as based on student choice, but described the GATE program as a need as students in the program may have problems in a regular classroom where their academic needs may not be met. No students eligible for free/reduced lunch attend the GATE program.

The superintendent reported that the district has closed on Lake Elmo land as the site  for a new Elementary School. Since 2019 there have been 5 finance directors and the district now has only a 1% fund balance, 1% away from statutory operating debt. 37 teachers will lose their jobs next year (not all of that is based on budget cuts), other teachers will be shifting the areas in which they teach. 

Under the Pony strategic plan, Direction C: Utilize systems and align resources in an efficient manner to support learning -  budget revisions were presented with non-renewing probationary teacher contracts.

Several policies were reviewed. The priority focus of reviewing policies is: 1) Policy alignment, 2) Mandatory policies/legal requirements and 3) High, timely, interest.



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