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County Board 101


Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Based on the popularity of the “School Board 101” program held before the School Board

elections in 2021, LWV WCGA will present a public program entitled “County Board 101” on

Monday, October 17 from 7PM – 8:15 PM. Register here.

This Zoom webinar will feature a panel featuring current Washington County Board Chair

Wayne Johnson, representing Commissioner District 4 which includes Cottage Grove, Newport, Saint Paul Park, part of Woodbury, and southern Washington County; and Washington County Commissioner Lisa Weik, who currently represents Commissioner District 5, which includes most of Woodbury. This program will also include Ryan Erdmann, Member Engagement Coordinator for the Association of Minnesota Counties.

This program will provide an overview of the role, responsibilities and authority of the County Board and County Commissioners; where counties fit between, and work with, the state, legislature, cities and city councils; and the range of functions and policy issues where they have responsibility. This will be a moderated discussion with the opportunity for questions from viewers. This program will be recorded and made available to the public as they make decisions on three County Commissioner elections in our area this fall.


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