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Woodbury City Council ~ April 19, 2023

Updated: May 16, 2023

This was a workshop meeting to discuss the impact of the proposed EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for PFOS and PFAS and pending release of the Minnesota Department of Health health standards for PFAS compounds on interim water capacity for Woodbury. Based on previous water use during summer irrigation season, the city will be forced to use water from three wells that likely will not meet the new standards on multiple days to meet watering demands. The wells are scheduled to have temporary treatment but this will not be operational until 2024.

Current watering rules allow watering on even/odd days dependent on house number. By moving to a two watering days per week schedule as was implemented in 2021 due to drought and DNR imposed restrictions, the number of days that potentially impaired wells would be needed is significantly reduced. The Parks and Natural Resources Commission is recommending that this revised policy be implemented with Woodbury divided into 4 zones. Each zone would have a defined week day (Monday-Thursday) and one weekend day for watering. Commercial sites would irrigate only on Friday.

After discussion, the council was in favor of this change. It will be included in the consent agenda for the formal city council meeting on April 26.

Link for agenda and materials here.


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