An update took place on the Pony Plan (Strategic Plan) which has 4 directions: Ensuring learning is adaptable to meet individual needs; Providing a safe, welcoming inclusive environment; Using systems/aligning resources in an efficient manner (including fund balance); and Developing strong partnerships with the community. Instructional leadership teams at the district level are using action cards with key strategic initiatives to document progress. There will also be action cards at the school level, including a vision scorecard with measurements to monitor progress. The focus for the 2023-24 school year is literacy, equity, social emotional learning and mental health.
Mid-year district accomplishments include: training in restorative practices; launch of K-5 literacy committee; initiation of online, on demand professional development.
Superintendent Funk expressed concern about unfunded mandates. New curricula materials will be needed for the READ Act, linked here. He asked the board to approach the MN State Legislature for funding.
The board reviewed and adopted a change to Policy 208: Development, Adoption and Implementation of Policies. Moving forward action can be taken on a new policy or a policy change after 2 readings instead of 3. The policy is reviewed at two meetings, each with an opportunity for the public to provide input.
The board went into closed session to consider strategy for labor negotiations.