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House Redistricting Committee Meets Aug 18


Date: Wednesday, August 18, 2021, at 1:00 – 4:00 PM

Chair: Rep. Mary Murphy, Minnesota House of Representatives, District: 03B. Location: Remote Hearing

PUBLIC VIEWING: This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page: NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

The Census data is in, and Redistricting will become a top priority for LWV WCGA League. As you may have heard, Minnesota retained its 8 house seats by a mere 29 residents. Because of population growth in Woodbury, we expect our district lines will be redrawn. This will change many aspects of our community. We would like members of the WCGA League to be aware of this hearing and to join us for part or all of this hearing to learn more about Redistricting in our state and local community.


  1. Understanding redistricting principles - Matt Gehring, House Research review of previously used principles and comparison of current House bills (HF 1884/Torkelson, HF 2520/Greenman, HF 2594/Klevorn) (No action will be taken. Public testimony will be taken at subsequent hearings.)

  2. Census/Redistricting data release -Susan Brower, State Demographer presentation on general population shifts in MN, information on census and redistricting release, and differential privacy

  3. Voting Rights Act - Ben Williams, National Conference of State Legislatures, review of the Voting Rights Act and impact of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions on Minnesota

  4. Understanding Communities of Interest - Wendy Underhill, National Conference of State Legislatures

  5. Update on MN Supreme Court redistricting activity - Matt Gehring, House Research

  6. Informational hearing on HF 2632 (Murphy) Elections; redistricting publishing and reporting requirements modified. (No action will be taken. Public testimony will be taken at subsequent hearing.)

Meeting material will be posted on the Committee website in advance of the meeting. Dates for future committee hears are also listed on the committee website.


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