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UMRR 2022 Annual Meeting

The LWV Upper Mississippi River Region Inter-League Organization (ILO) will have its annual meeting and educational session (open to the public) on Saturday, May 21.

The business meeting (for members only) begins at 8:45 a.m. and features a keynote address by Bonnie Cox, LWV Jo Daviess County, on "Using LWV Principles to Guide Water Work." This meeting will wrap up at 10:15; after a short break the public portion of the event will begin at 10:30 a.m:

"Does it take an act of Congress to protect the Mississippi?"

The answer is that Congress is one piece – an important one – of the solution to the Mississippi’s woes. In the UMRR Annual Meeting, we will have a panel of speakers to talk about bills currently in the US Congress that have the potential to greatly affect our river. We will also explore the idea of a “compact” between the river states to protect the river from water diversions. This session will set the stage for the work that LWV UMRR will tackle in the years to come. Learn more about the speakers and register (required) for the Zoom webinar here.

For questions about UMRR or topics for discussion at the annual meeting, please use our Contact form (choose "Inter-League Activities" from the Subject drop-down list and mention "UMRR" in the text of your message).


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