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Early Thursday evening the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the Ramsey County Court consent decree which established an extension for receipt of mailed absentee ballots from 11/3 to 11/10. The result of this is that ballots received after Tuesday November 3 will not be counted. Deadline for dropping off a ballot in person is now 3:00 pm; mail or delivery service deadline is 8:00 pm.

If you have not mailed your ballot yet, DO NOT MAIL IT. Instead drop it off as soon as possible at an early voting site — or vote in person and tear up the mail-in ballot. Check your sites at

If you have mailed in your ballot, check the status at (or contact the Washington County elections office at 651-430-6175 to ask for the status of your ballot). If you do not see that the status is "accepted and will be counted", you should vote in person, either at an early voting site or in person on Election Day. Let the Elections Judge know that you mailed your ballot but it has not been received. The system will record that you voted and the mail-in ballot will not be counted.

Please note: you CANNOT drop off an absentee ballot on Election Day at your regular polling place; you must deliver it to an early polling site (or the county elections office in Stillwater, for Washington County) or plan to vote on Election Day.

Voting In Person

If you have not mailed your absentee ballot or it has not yet been accepted, you may choose to vote in person either at an early voting location (Friday, 10/30, Saturday, 10/31, or Monday, 11/2) or at your normal voting location on Tuesday, November 3. When you vote let the Election Judge know you mailed your absentee ballot however it has not been accepted based on the absentee ballot status. (This will let them pull that ballot when received.) If your absentee ballot has been accepted, the Election Judge will be able to tell.

Bottom line: Do not mail Absentee ballots at this point and make sure your absentee ballot has been received and accepted. Vote in person if it has not been received and accepted.


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