League of Women Voters Woodbury, Cottage Grove Area (LWVWCGA) will participate in the 12th annual Give to the Max Day, taking place on Thursday, Nov. 17.
Give to the Max is a giving event that raises millions each year for nearly 6,000 causes across Minnesota and beyond. This year, GiveMN is encouraging donors to #GiveWhereYouLiveMN, an effort to help communities in every corner of Minnesota as the unprecedented challenges of this year continue.
For over 100 years the League of Women Voters has been a nonpartisan, activist, grassroots organization that believes voters should play a critical role in democracy. The WCGA League was established to serve our local communities in the areas of Woodbury, Cottage Grove, Newport, St. Paul Park, and Grey Cloud Island Township and has been active in our area since 1969.
LWVWCGA offers a number of programs throughout the year. We are supported primarily by our membership dues and donations. We haven’t had a fundraising effort for several years and need your support. LWVWCGA is fundraising to support our programs, which include:
Candidate Forums for local elections
Voter registration events
Legislative Interviews
Community outreach
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Advocating for issues of concern to members and the public
Local Observer Corps – attend government meetings and report back to members and the community
Zoom Video Conferencing, Webinars and the LWVWCG.org website
Educational forums for the public on topics on how our local government works, elections, environment, voting, redistricting, school boards, and many others.
To participate in Give to the Max, donors may visit GiveMN.org and search for the causes they care about most by name, keyword, ZIP code, and more. Give to the Max’s “Early Giving” period begins November 1 and continues through Give to the Max Day on Nov. 17, with random drawings throughout for more than $100,000 in prize grants for Minnesota organizations.
Additionally, each donation through GiveMN.org qualifies LWVWCGA for additional grants from the Give to the Max Day prize pool, thanks to the continued generosity of the Bush Foundation. On Nov. 17, Give to the Max Day, GiveMN will award:
$500 Early Giving Golden Tickets daily on Nov. 1-16
$500 Golden Ticket prizes every 15 minutes on Nov. 17.
$1,000 Hourly Golden Ticket prizes hourly on Nov. 17.
$6,000 Power Hour Prizes, shared among the top three organizations based on amount raised between 10:00–10:59 a.m. and 10:00–10:59 p.m.
The grand prize of Give to the Max Day, a $10,000 Super-Sized Golden Ticket.
GiveMN is encouraging Minnesotans to come together virtually this year to share how they’ll be joining in by using #GiveWhereYouLiveMN or #GTMD22. GiveMN will have social media story templates available for download on GiveMN.org and social media where donors can share their personal stories of giving.
Give to the Max organizers encourage donors to continue their outpouring of support for local causes, expand giving to meet the moment this year.