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Cottage Grove City Council January Meeting

The Cottage Grove City Council met on December 21, 2022. Below are some of the items discussed. At the end of each section is the start time location for that item. If you would like to watch the entire meeting, the link is here. Agenda and meeting packet is here.

Glacial Valley Park Bid Award:

Council adopted resolution 2022- 172 for awarding contracts for the Glacial Valley Park Building and assigning certain contracts to Kraus Anderson Construction Company. The park is located off of Ravine Parkway and County 19, and will include a connection to the DNR South Washington County Watershed District open space, trails and the Interpretive Center. The building listed in the bid will have a geothermal heating/cooling system and solar powered electricity. Building construction is expected to take place from May – October 2023. Recording starts at 28:21.

City Code Recodification & 2023 Fee Table:

Council adopted ordinances repealing and replacing the Cottage Grove official Zoning Map and the Cottage Grove City Code, and amending the City Fee Table. The City Code recodification was an extensive project done to make the city code more user- friendly for the residents, council and staff. The new Code will take effect in January 2023. Recording starts at 46:35.

Federal Bonding Bill funds for Cottage Grove:

Mayor Bailey shared that the city, in connection with federal and state legislators, has applied for additional funding for needed infrastructure projects. The current federal bonding bill moving through the House and Senate includes five million dollars to help fund a road project on the existing section of 80th street from Highway 61 to Ideal Avenue. Recording starts 2:04:05



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